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audit fee造句

"audit fee"是什么意思  
  • Review of research on audit fees and its revelation
  • Audit fees are the economic link between cpa and auditees
    审计费用是注册会计师和委托客户之间联系的“经济纽带” 。
  • Within this , non - audit fees decreased from ? 316m to ? 308m , a fall of 2 . 6 %
    同时,毕马威会计师事务所和德勤会计师事务所的审计收入均增加了7 。
  • The main purpose of this paper is to research on audit fees in china audit market
  • Till now , studies on audit fees in china audit market are rarely few and all are normative research
  • In 2001 , chinese listed companies were required to disclose their audit fees in annual reports for the fist time
  • While pwc was paid 30 % more in audit fees this year , ernst & young did not see an increase at all
  • Two ( 2 ) weeks before party b enters the audit site , party a shall pay party b the application fee , assessment & registration fee and audit fee
  • Research logic and methods : the main purpose of this paper is to research on the determinants of audit fees in chinese a - share market
  • Two ( 2 ) weeks before party b enters the audit site , party a shall pay party b the application fee , assessment & registration fee and audit fee
  • It's difficult to see audit fee in a sentence. 用audit fee造句挺难的
  • In 2001 , chinese listed companies were required to disclose their audit fees for the fist time . pay to cpa went from secret to open
  • This implies that treating the fee to asset ratio as audit pricing is equivalent to treating audit fee as audit pricing , and is more valid moreover
  • Thirdly , the china evidence finds that audit fee discounting happen not on the initial engagement but on the auditee and the auditor in the different region
    3 、事务所在初次签约时的审计收费并不存在价格折扣,但在异地审计时审计收费则存在着价格折扣。
  • This will be seen as a continuing response to concerns over auditor independence - the ratio of audit to non - audit fees has fallen from 1 : 3 in 2002 to 1 : 0 . 8 in 2007
    审计独立性一直都是关注的焦点。审计费用和非审计费用的比率从2002年的1 : 3下降到2007年的1 : 0 . 8 。
  • Secondly , the determinants of audit fees in china audit market are client size ; the number of subsidiaries ; account receivables / total assets and the location of accounting firm
    2 、影响审计收费的因素有上市公司的规模、上市公司附属子公司家数、应收款项占总资产的比例以及事务所所在地。
  • Further modify the ambit of the oea to cover only office accommodation expenses , employment of assistants , audit fees , printing , publicity expenses and communication charges
  • Obtaining samples from listed companies disclosed audit fee of annual financial reports in 2000 and 2001 year , and using regression ' s method , this paper investigates the determinants of audit fees and that of audit fee to asset ratio , and compares them
    摘要本文以披露了2000年、 2001年年度财务报告审计费用的上市公司为样本,使用回归分析方法,研究了审计费用、审计费用率的影响因素并进行了比较。
  • The results show that the significant determinants of the fee to asset ratio is the same as that of audit fee , the explanatory power of the fee to asset ratio model is higher than that of the audit fee model far away , the total asset explains 74 % of variation in the fee to asset ratio
    研究表明,审计费用与审计费用率具有相同的影响因素,各影响因素对审计费用率的解释度远远高于对审计费用的解释度,资产规模对审计费用的解释度达到74 % 。
  • The client size is the most important factor of the determinants of audit fees . but the auditee risk is n ' t significantly influencing audit fees . we find that the coefficient on the variables capturing the auditee risk except for " lem " is insignificant
  • Thus , we attempt to investigate the determinants of audit fees of the chinese publicly held companies by empirical research . in the paper firstly we review the relevant literature for the design of the study , then develop our hypotheses , lastly multiple linear regression is employed to empirically analyze a sample comprised of 742 publicly held companies . the major empirical results are summarized below : firstly , the auditor brand - name reputation is significantly influencing audit fees in china audit market
    本文首先回顾了国外的相关文献,其目的在于总结国外已有相关文献的研究方法和结论,以作为发展文章理论分析和研究设计的基础;然后结合我国特有的研究背景,提出了本文的研究假设;最后采用多元回归的方法对742家样本公司进行了实证分析,结果发现: 1 、事务所声誉品牌对审计收费有着重要影响。
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